Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Get Hooked by "THE REAL FIFTY SHADES"--Perilous Play by Suz deMello (#BDSM #50shades #romance)

I'll confess: I got hooked.

While I've always been hooked on books, today I'm talking about a man. A very sexy, enticing man.

His name was Trapper Hart and he was my first Dom.

This is how he hooked me:

I had met Trapper Hart a couple months before—we attended the same law school. One day, mentally drained after a con law midterm, I left the classroom to find a tall, well-built guy lingering outside. Smiling, he engaged me in conversation, and I tried to seem really interesting because, articulate and attractive, he was everything I looked for in a man.

He didn’t ask me out right away. We started our friendship in the library, where he’d bring me cappuccinos—wet with extra foam, and treats—he knew I liked double fudge brownies with nuts.  

He’d found out what I liked, and I luxuriated in the notion that he really cared. I didn’t know this man well, but he had a knack for getting under my defenses. I’d had numerous boyfriends, and none had ever bothered to discover my cappuccino and brownie preferences. It was special, and made me feel special.

Here's what the book is about:

One woman’s journey into the contemporary kink underworld, Perilous Play is Suz deMello’s explosive personal account of her experiences with BDSM. Engaging and honest, this groundbreaking memoir will grab you and never let you go.

On sale now for the discounted price of $3.99!

Remember, this is a blog hop! Find other authors' fantastic work here:


  1. It's very brave of you to write such a personal memoir, Suz. I can see how he drew you in. It took years to train my unromantic hubby to buy me dark chocolate for Valentine's Day. But I wouldn't have traded him for the world.

  2. I enjoyed your snippet, Suz. It's unflinchingly honest. It shows where the authenticity that shines through your stories comes from...and I can see why you'd fall for this guy, as he (excuse my phrasing) obviously knew what buttons to push.

    This is among the best-written blurbs I've ever seen, and I've reviewed at least 300 books to date. This is a little out of my norm (the Regency lover in me would say "a little out of the common way"), but I'd read and review this one even though finding a way to explain what was going on in a PG-13 way would probably prove to be...challenging.
