Saturday, October 11, 2014

It's a Party! Sunday Snog #150 (#sundaysnog @fetlife #free @MFRW_ORG)

To celebrate the 150th Sunday Snog--

Hey! you ask. What's a "Sunday Snog"?

The Sunday Snog is a blog hop created and hosted by the fabulous Victoria Blisse, a nice British lady who writes really smutty books--and celebrates that as much as she can. She holds events like "Smut by the Sea," an annual gathering in Scarborough. If you don't know where that is, don't worry. Unless you're English, the odds are very small that you would. She also does various promotional events all around the web as well as the in-person ones in England.

The point of the Sunday snog is that we post a snog--that's British for a kiss. (Remember what Shaw said? "England and America are two countries separated by the same language.")

So here's a special snog--it's a party snog, because this is a 150th birthday party. And parties always have gifts, so I'm giving away a copy of my latest ebook, Kinky Toes, to a lucky commenter!

And here's the snog, from Rakes in Tartan. In this scene, Dagmar and Andrew, who have recently become lovers, have left a ball to enjoy a different kind of pleasure:

He took her face in his hands, clasping firmly. His voice was deep and a little rough. “I want ye, madame, and I will have ye as often as I can. Do ye agree?”

“Ja. I…I agree.” She trembled with more than a little fear. She’d belonged completely to Ragnar, but Andrew did not love her and Ragnar had.

She kissed his mouth, looking into his blue eyes, now narrow and hot with lust. She pushed in her tongue to taste his desire, and he responded by biting it, drawing blood and sucking it hard. He then grabbed her hair to drag away her head. “If I want yer tongue, I’ll go in and get it. Do ye understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She clung to him, limbs weak.

“That’s right, hold onto me tight. I willnae let ye go, willnae let ye fall.” 

If you like what you read of this BDSM-laced historical, find it here:

Remember--this is a blog hop, and every one of the authors in the hop is giving something away to celebrate the Sunday Snog's 150th birthday!

Find them here:


  1. Enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. "If I want yer tongue, I'll go in and get it." I loved this line. Thanks for the excerpt and for participating.

  3. Sounds so good!! I love the cover! Im definitely excited to check this one out! Thank you for sharing! Congrats on your snogs!! Have an fantastic day!
