Friday, December 19, 2014

A Holiday Office Romance Turns Kinky in "Kinky Toes" (#rafflecopter #footfetish @fetlife #romance #xmas)

My holiday office romance is a departure from my usual “sugar” BDSM offerings—it’s straight-out kinky, being the romance between a foot fetishist and an upscale shoe designer. But Shelbie and Rick are a match made in some crazy stiletto heaven.


A copy of any ebook in my inventory to the cleverest commenter. Jokes and rhymes get an extra point ;)

         Here’s the blurb:

Genre: contemporary kink romance

Shelbie Nathanson resents Rick Saldano's ascension to C.O.O. of her family's shoe company, a job she's wanted all her life. But she can't resist his red-hot, sexy style of lovemaking... one that focuses on her passion: shoes.

Here's a sexy snippet for ya ;)

Rick caught up with Shelbie at the top of the stairs. On the second floor, peace reigned. A cozy sitting room was lit by a fire in the marble hearth. Framed family pictures and a Chanukah menorah cluttered the top of a polished cherry wood piano.

He followed a quiet Shelbie toward the piano. “Is this the family quarters?” he asked.

“Yeah, the downstairs is mostly for show, especially in the winter. It’s warmer up here.”

He touched the brass menorah with a reverent finger, smiling at the four lit candles. “Every year, I wondered about all the Christmas trees. Nathanson is a Jewish name—”

“We have the trees downstairs for the staff party. And now for Ka-ro-la.”

“You don’t like her.”

She picked up a photo set in a wood frame decorated with seashells and fish. “No, I don’t.”

“Is this you and your mom?”


He took it from her. The picture showed the two of them when Shelbie had been about five, playing at the beach in the waves.

He put an arm around her. “Babe—”

“It’s just that…seeing Karola wearing my mom’s diamonds. My dad got her those when he made his first million.”

He considered. “That sucks.”

“Sure does.”

He cuddled her closer. “What can I do?”

She managed to grin at him. “How about a kiss to make it better?”

“It’s your heart that hurts, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” She tried not to sniffle.

He unbuttoned her dress halfway down to the waist, and dropped a light kiss on the upper curve of her left breast. “Cute bra,” he said, pleasure in his voice.

“I didn’t know that lingerie was one of your fetishes.”

“Everyone loves black lace. You know, I truly do hope that work won’t come in the way of…of the fun we could have together.” He scoped her body up and down. Especially down. She heard his breath hitch as he looked at her high heeled, strappy shoes.

She grinned at him. “I want to show you something you’ll really love.” Taking his hand, she led him to her suite. Andy Warhol silk-screens covered the outer room walls, coordinating with a bright couch and chairs in a green and heliotrope floral print. But her bedroom was a shrine to her passion: the art of the shoe.

She led Rick inside.

She’d painted a mural on the wall. Heliotrope on pale green, a giant Victorian boot, complete with pointy toe, button hooks and a kitten heel. Her bed was in the shape of a shoe—a Shelbie Sexy Sandal, with the straps made of metal bands painted heliotrope. They crisscrossed high above the mattress. 

Rick gazed around the room, open-mouthed. She could see a tent forming at the front of his pants.

She raised her hands, crossed them at the wrist and grabbed one of the bed’s high metal rails, deliberately displaying herself. “See anything you like?”

He closed his mouth and came toward her, seizing her in a powerful embrace. 

His kiss was hot and ardent, holding nothing back. One hand slid down to her ass and squeezed, while the other reached into her upswept hair. He tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her head at a perfect angle to deepen his kiss.

She responded, slashing her tongue across his, asserting herself. He might be her boss in the boardroom, but they’d be equals in the bedroom. While they kissed, he resumed unbuttoning her dress until he could take it off. She dropped her arms to cooperate, and he pressed her back onto her bed.

Like what you read? There’s more! Buy the short story at:
    Romance Ebooks)

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  1. I wonder how many men could compare to this one in your story! Now I will always come up short in my mind and wishing I was the woman that he was having hot sex with.

    1. :) Our imaginary heroes are larger than life, better than the best man you ever met, impossible dreams. It's fiction, ya know?

  2. Hi! Happy holidays! Thank you all for the fun!! Hope you have a blast with your family! Im a terrible rhymer, sorry, no good in store for you! lol
