Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Discounted Spanking--Perilous Play is on sale! (#spanking #sale #fiftyshades

This weekend, I've dropped the price of my bestselling memoir, Perilous Play, down to $3.99.

What's it about, you ask?

One woman’s journey into the contemporary kink underworld, Perilous Play is Suz deMello’s explosive personal account of her experiences with BDSM. Engaging and honest, this groundbreaking memoir will grab you and never let you go.

And here's that sexy spanking:

We stopped on Mount Tamalpais and walked through the forest. Atop the mountain, we could see the ocean through the damp, cool redwoods. Evening was starting to fall and the setting was very romantic.
I brushed a hand over some of the abundant foliage and asked, “Would you like to cane me, sir?”
He didn’t ask me to strip or even take down my pants, which surprised me. But when he started on me, I was glad. I was reduced to begging and pleading within seconds.
       When he finally stopped, he stuck his hand down my jeans and caressed my pussy... I came instantly. 

If what you read intrigues you, find the discounted book here:

Remember, this is a blog hop! Find other authors' sexy spanking snippets here:

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