Saturday, January 30, 2016

MASTERING THE you dare to try? (New from Tina Donahue!)


(Book Three – Taming the Beast series)

Erotic Paranormal - Romantic Comedy

Please support Tina's Thunderclap campaign:

(available for preorder – ready to read February 9):


Surrender is the only option she desires.

Taming the Beast, Book 3

No one believes that under the tough attitude and schoolgirl fashion sense, reformed
demon Zoe burns for a man, love, and sex. She keeps those urges on ice and well hidden.
She sold her soul for a guy once, and all it got her was a one-way ticket to Hell.

Her job, keeping supernatural creatures in line at From Crud to Stud, is all work and
no play. Until she’s saddled with a trio of new enforcers who ooze so much sexual heat she’s
afraid to be on the same planet with them.

Stefin, Anatol, and Taro try to contain their laughter as their adorable new boss tries
to lay down the law. Apparently, no one told her they don’t take orders. They give them.
And they’re determined to smooth her rough edges and tame her beast with acts so wanton
they’ll make her scream—for more.

Talk about all hell breaking loose. Surrender won’t come easily, but given their devilish
charm and her aching need, her journey to submission is one done deal.

Warning: Contains an unholy trio of demons who don’t like to take turns. Break room…
snacking. After-hours…training sessions. In other words, a sensual ride on the pleasure express. Features m/f/m/m sex in every flavor except vanilla. Bring. It. On.


Becca stopped fingering the edge of her short red hair. “I don’t want you to keep killing yourself by working so hard.”
“How could I do that?’ She frowned. “I’m immortal.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Becca waved her hand dismissively. “I want you to enjoy your work.”
That funny feeling returned, making Zoe queasy. “Who says I don’t? Oh, hey, is this about Daemon horning in on more of my stuff? Uh-uh. He’s already keeping the clients in line for the other staff. I don’t need him to do that for me. I’m capable. Hell, I’m a better enforcer than him. I do not want—”
“No problem,” Becca cut in and then blurted, “Stefin, Anatol and Taro will be here for that from now on.”
Footfalls suddenly rang in the hall. Three men who looked to be in their early thirties strode into Becca’s office, their movements fluid and assured, each of them dressed in black, their shirts made of silk, their boots and pants dressy, like bouncers at an elite club.
No one was boogying in here, especially Zoe as she caught the unholy trio’s faint sulfur scent. Oh shit. Pinpoints of flame flared briefly in their eyes, proving they were demons. The trouble she’d sensed earlier.
Too stunned to speak or to move, she simply stared.
The guy in the middle was easily six-three and nicely muscular with blond shoulder-length hair, his rough good looks, bronze complexion and stubble virile to the extreme. There was a hint of sin, dangerous and predatory, in his light gray eyes.
Her belly fluttered at the thought of him on top of her, his strong legs pushing hers apart, his hand sliding up her—
She stopped before completing the smutty thought, noticing the ornate tat on the back of his left hand. A stylized goat’s head…the mark of the devil.
He winked.
Zoe’s legs went watery, disquiet and lust rolling through her. Ignoring both, she turned to the guy on his right and had to lock her knees again to keep standing. Equally tall and powerfully built, he was simply beautiful with rich-chocolate skin, dark eyes and long hair worn in dreadlocks that would feel awesome gliding across her naked boobs and thighs.
Stop it.
Zoe tried to push her X-rated fantasies away and steel herself against his allure.
He smiled. A freaking dimple dented his right cheek. His grin was an unusual mixture of boyish mischief and raw sensuality that creamed her pussy.
Tearing her attention from him, she studied the last guy. Hot didn’t begin to describe his masculine features, deep-blue eyes and thick, wavy hair a dark shade of auburn. Those locks trailed past his ears and curled at the base of his neck. His stubble called to everything female within Zoe, the same as his height, big body and the assured way he regarded her.
Beneath the enticing fragrance of sulfur, she caught their musky scents, wanton and unashamed, surely the same fragrance as their cocks. She imagined their shafts jutting from nests of blond, black or auburn curls, their balls meaty and lightly furred.
The room spun.
“Guys,” Becca said, “this is Zoe.”
Becca’s introduction seemed to have come from miles away. Zoe tried to respond but only managed a noise somewhere between a grunt and a groan.
Becca edged closer. “Zoe, this is Anatol.” She gestured to the black hunk with the dimple. “Stefin.” The blond god in the middle winked again. “And Taro.” The blue-eyed hottie continued to regard her intensely. “They’re our new enforcers.”
Each of them looked as if he’d been in charge forever and wouldn’t budge one damn inch for anyone, especially a female demon.
“You’ll be working with them from now on,” Becca added.
Working with or for, as in taking orders, yearning helplessly and then losing out as she had with the last man in her life?
Like hell.

*** CONTEST ***

Tina is offering one winner her (or his) choice of FIVE of her backlist ebooks – full-length, bestselling, award-winning - 25 choices to choose from

About Tina:

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Kensington, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, Booktrope, Luminosity, Decadent, and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels (Freeing the Beast, Come and Get Your Love, and Wicked Takeover) were Readers' Choice Award winners. Another three (Adored, Lush Velvet Nights, and Deep, Dark, Delicious) were named finalists in the EPIC competition. Sensual Stranger, her erotic contemporary romance, was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for her erotic romance Lush Velvet Nights. Two of her titles (The Yearning and Deep, Dark, Delicious) received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Take Me Away and Adored both won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

Amazon author page:
My page at TRR:
EC Author Page:
Samhain Author Page:
Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:
Romance Books 4 US:

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