Friday, August 1, 2014

Sherlock Spanks on Saturday morning...(#SatSpanks #MFRWAuthor #Sherlock #spanking)

A lot of people have found the idea of Sherlock Holmes as a sexy spanko...intriguing. But why not? Is't caning the English vice? And spanking is the milder cousin of caning.

So for your pleasure, I present to you, Sherlock the Spanko, from my recently released Sherlock's Scandal.

And yes, my version of Holmes is scandalous indeed.

But wait! you cry. What's the story about?

Okay, here's the blurb:

A bored Sherlock is a dangerous Sherlock. His twin vices of cocaine and sex could prove his undoing, until he meets his match in elusive, enigmatic Irene Adler. Hiding her heart, Irene deserts Sherlock in the midst of their affair. He schemes to win her back, but the lady won’t come easily to hand. Instead, she forces him to compete for honor, glory and  love.

And here's a tiny part of a rather extensive (and delicious) spanking scene:

His lips left mine and he said, “Forgive me,” before his hand descended upon my bottom again with a mighty smack.

My hands clenched on the bedclothes and I whimpered. He did not stop, but continued to rain a series of heavy spanks on my buttocks. He was unrelenting and very thorough, even covering my upper thighs.

My breath came short and fast. My body shook under the assault and my pussey, hot and wet, wept for him. “Please, oh, Sherlock, please…”

Like what you read? Buy it here: (Amazon) (All Romance Ebooks--discounted!)

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